The Airedale Terrier

You would like to know more about Airedale Terriers? Here you'll find some information about looks and character of these lovely companions. Of course it is impossible to write down all one's information and experience and it would not make any sense either.

That's why the information on this page is fairly general and brief. Because nothing can replace a personal conversation with an Airedale owner and breeder and the personal impression of and experience with these animals. Therefore I'd like to ask you to contact or - better than this - to come and see me if there are any questions. You will find my e-mail address and telephone number in "contact".

This is the only way to get an idea what life with an Airedale is like and to find out something about these four-legged friends' unique character and animal spirits. Should there be any questions about feeding, upbringing, training and also care of the coat (trimming) I'll be very glad to help you.

General facts:

This breed came into being more than 100 years ago in the English county Yorkshire, above all in different towns in the dale around the river Aire. So much for the name AIREDALE.


dog: about 59 to 62 cm
bitch: about 56 to 59 cm


depends on size, sex and type. On average about 20 - 30 kg.


very lively, always taut and attentive, full of expectation, quick movement and full of expression because of the posture of tail and ears which always should be carried high and gaily.


head and skull:
should be long and flat, not too broad and narrowing very slightly to the ears and eyes, black nose


almond-shaped, full of Terrier-expression, intelligent, faithful, lively


should be V-shaped with carriage rather to the side of the head, not pointing to the eyes. The topline of the folded ear should be above the level of the skull


short and strong back, ribs well sprung, deep chest, should not be limp


always carried gaily, should not be curled over the back


should be hard and wiry, lying straight and closes, should not be frizzy, at best it is very weatherproof, doesn't let water trough easily and dries very fast


head and ears except some marks and the front and legs are tan, the rest is black or dark grizzle


If you think of buying an Airedale Terrier I'd like to congratulate you on your choice. Then you will be among the hopefully growing amount of people who see an Airedale as what it really is: a faithful companion, a loving family dog which suits perfectly into a family with children, it is an excellent guard which announces every stranger and everything strange without being a yelper, but most of all it is still a working dog which can take on a German shepherd or Doberman any time and which is absolutely unique.

An Airedale is extremely quick to learn, very willing to work and keen on it. Above all it is very affectionate and faithful. Of course, you must not forget that this is a Terrier. And he will let you know if you are a beginner at dog-sport. Because an Airedale is to be trained differently from a German shepherd for example. With pressure and obligation you will only bring out its typical Terrier stubbornness. That way you won't get anywhere.

Many people shrink from the image of pigheaded Terriers, which could admittedly be a problem for a beginner in dog sports. But with proper advice from other Airedale owners or - better than that - from the breeder, who should know everything about its breed, there should not be any problems.

If you work with it using its natural play instinct or with food (Airedales love food and will do anything for a little snack) you and your dog will be a perfect team soon.

That's why it is very important that an Airedale novice consults other owners of this breed or - still better than that - the breeder himself. Then nothing will stop a lasting friendship between you and your four-legged friend.

Another aspect for many people is the care of the coat. This breed should be trimmed regularly to obtain a perfect coat and appearance. Like that, an Airdale will shed hardly any hair and will be very resistant. And trimming can be learned or you can contact the breeder, who should know how to do it.

An Airedale Terrier loves to be in its owner's company as much as possible. Even if there is little room in your car or if your dog has to lie in a corner all day long, it will take it on only to be with you.

This breed belongs to those, which need a long time to get grown up. While a German shepherd is grown with 2 years and also behaves accordingly, it takes an Airedale about 1 or 2 years longer. But at the same time it will remain young and playful until fairly old. Typical complaints of old age will not be noticeable until a fairly advanced age. The colour will also stay the same, it will hardly turn white around the nose. My first bitch Elly for example was already more than 10 years old and working at dog school. A lot of people could not believe that she was that old and sometimes I had to remind her of it myself.

Of course it is very important that your dog gets the right food, does not get fat and has enough exercise. Jogging or cycling would be perfect.

If there are any questions about purchase, feeding, training and care (trimming) please let me know. Take the opportunity to come and see me and my dogs. Together we can also try to manage your problems and worries. I am looking forward to your call/e-mail.