

born: 13.07.2008

4 dogs - 4 bitches





all together:


more pictures from the whole litter


every single:

Styrian Spirit Ferdinand:
dog, born: 03:30 o'clock, weight at birth: 330 g; ÖHZB: AT 6981A,

Styrian Spirit Fire - died 18.10.2011:
dog, born: 06:00 o'clock, weight at birth: 290 g; ÖHZB: AT 6980A,
owner: Brigitte Zieserl, Grambach

more pictures from Ferdinand and Fire


Styrian Spirit Funky Clown - died:

dog, born: 04:10 o'clock, weight at birth: 310 g; ÖHZB: AT 6979A,
owner: Jutta Beuren, Wien



Styrian Spirit Face - died 22.02.2018:

bitch, born: 04:35 o'clock, weight at birth: 340 g; ÖHZB: AT 6985A,
owner: Hermine Köberl, Straß




Styrian Spirit Fee - died 08.02.2023:

bitch, born: 07:00 o'clock, weight at birth: 340 g; ÖHZB: AT 6982A,
owner: Otto Miklisch, Wien




Styrian Spirit Ferro - died 06.05.2021:

dog, born: 07:30 o'clock, weight at birth: 340 g; ÖHZB: AT 6978A,
owner: Fam. Diehold, Graz




Styrian Spirit Funny Francis - died:

bitch, born: 08:30 o'clock, weight at birth: 350 g; ÖHZB: AT 6984A,
owner: DI Erik Skreiner, Wien



Styrian Spirit Fay (called: LEIKA) - died 17.02.2014:

bitch, born: 13:25 o'clock, weight at birth: 320 g; ÖHZB: AT 6983A,
owner: Elfriede Temmel, Söding